Austin Traffic Ticket Lawyer


In Central Texas, driving is a part of daily life, and the more we drive, the higher the probability of getting a traffic ticket. The reasons for being cited for a traffic violation are increasing all the time and extending to both how we operate our vehicles and how we behave inside them. Whether you’ve received an Austin speeding ticket, citation for texting while driving or were charged with reckless driving, there are many advantages to hiring an experienced lawyer to defend your case.

Your first thought may be to admit guilt and pay the fine to get it over with. However, there are lasting consequences to having violations on your driving record. The cost of your car insurance may increase with each traffic ticket and stay increased for five years. At this point, the option is to pay for expensive driver education courses that can take up to a day to complete, costing you time and money. Kelly McMahan Law can help you fight your traffic citation from the beginning and avoid added costs and hassle.

With Kelly McMahan Law in your defense, you can trust that you have an expert in Austin speeding tickets and reckless driving studying your unique situation and building the best case. It’s a common misconception that a traffic ticket is final and that the officer issuing the citation is always correct. The best case is formed after looking closely at everything from where the supposed violation took place to the steps taken when the officer stopped you. 

You have an advantage for hiring a traffic ticket attorney for your case. Because even minor traffic tickets can have negative consequences, so we advise contacting traffic ticket Austin attorney before entering a plea of either “guilty” or “no contest.” That is where the expertise of traffic ticket lawyers  Traffic Ticket Lawyers comes in handy. Hire an experienced Austin traffic attorney to handle your traffic ticket case.

Call Kelly McMahan Law at (512) 843-2889 to discuss how your Austin speeding ticket or reckless driving violation can be handled before it escalates to more costly and lengthy consequences.