Class “C” Violations License Texas
If you have received a citation in Texas that is assigned to municipal court or with a Justice of the Peace, the charge is a class C misdemeanor and Kelly McMahan Law can help with your class C violations license Texas. Examples of class C misdemeanors are traffic tickets for various moving violations, driving while license invalid (DWLI), Minor in Consumption, assault, theft, public intoxication, driving without the use of a seatbelt, Minor in Possession, Open Container, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Class C violations can affect your driver’s license in Texas and can ultimately lead to license suspension and costly annual surcharges.
Class C misdemeanor convictions are worth fighting because they can have a major negative impact on eligibility for school, eligibility for work, and other programs. For example, a first conviction for Minor in Consumption can result in a 30-day license suspension or denial, a fine of up to $500, up to 12 hours of community service, and mandatory attendance in classes on alcohol awareness. For subsequent offenses of Minor in Consumption or Minor in Possession, the fine can be up to $2,000 and the minor could be sentenced to a maximum of 180 days in jail. These are just some of the potential consequences of a Class C violations conviction and how your driver’s license in Texas can be affected.
For class C violation cases in Texas, contact Kelly McMahan Law rather than pleading “no contest” or “guilty” because of the many costly repercussions of class C misdemeanor convictions in Texas. What many people don’t realize is that a police officer who writes a ticket does not necessarily have the final say regarding a person’s guilt. There are many components of a case to be considered, and experienced legal representation provides the best opportunity to have a favorable outcome for your case.
Contact Kelly McMahan Law today at (512) 843-2889 to schedule a consultation about your specific Class C Violations License Texas case or you can also come to our office.