If your driver’s license has been suspended, contact a Suspended License Lawyer Austin TX to assist you in facing the many potential challenges, difficulties, and legal hurdles that are involved. Many Texas motorists have been faced with license revocation in situations they didn’t realize held such a penalty. There are certain occasions in which you may receive a restricted permit to drive during a license revocation, all of which a suspended license lawyer in Austin TX, can help you with, though more information is below.

Don’t Drive

The most importance advice you will receive from a suspended license lawyer in Austin TX, is to stay within the confines of the rules you are given to abide by. It will probably be necessary to become familiar with your many options for meeting your transportation needs. Figure out walking distances, bus schedules, and the costs for hiring a taxi to get where you need to go.

As any suspended license lawyer in Austin TX, will no doubt advise you, it is impossible to predict every situation that can result in a collision or unforeseen traffic stop. The best plan of action is to follow the prescribed legal guidelines for having your license reinstated, rather than taking the chance of driving without a license. Driving when your license is suspended only complicates and prolongs the process, in addition to subjecting you to possible jail time.

Apply for a Permit

If you hire a qualified suspended license lawyer in Austin TX, you will learn that it may be possible to obtain a temporary occupational license during the time when your driver’s license is revoked if you need to a drive an automobile :

* To get to work,

* To get to school, or

* To carry out necessary functions for the household.

There are, however, certain circumstances in which you will not qualify for a restricted occupational license and therefore need a suspended license lawyer in Austin, TX, to help you get on track to have a reinstated driver’s license as soon as possible. You will be denied requests for a restricted license if:

* Failure to pay child support is the reason for your suspension.

* Your driver’s license was suspended due to a medical condition.

* You are asking for a license to drive a commercial vehicle.

A suspended license lawyer in Austin TX, will also help ensure that you meet all steps to possibly get a restricted occupational license, if you qualify.

A suspended license lawyer in Austin TX, can help you understand all of the details of license revocation, including the following guidelines in which it is possible to obtain an occupational license:

* If your license is suspended because of a drug-related or alcohol-related offense, you must wait 90 days for an occupational license.

* If you have had a conviction of intoxication, obtaining an occupational license must wait for 180 days.

* You must wait for one year if you have had two or more administrative license revocations.

Hiring a Suspended License Lawyer Austin TX can help simplify and speed up the process of dealing with the ordeal of a Texas driver’s license revocation.