Austin Traffic Lawyer Kelly McMahan stands ready to make sure you get every last benefit the law provides for you. In her practice, Kelly specializes in protecting her clients from traffic violations and other Class-C Misdemeanors because not all of such charges are deserved or ought to be prosecuted. More importantly, every citizen should be treated as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. This means that even if you are guilty, the law is set up to make sure you have the best defense possible. That is precisely what Kelly McMahan, an experienced Austin Traffic Lawyer, does.
Police – young woman with policeman or cop on the street or traffic, she is showing her passport or driving license[/caption]
Don’t be your own worst enemy
With her intimate knowledge of Texas law, Kelly McMahan stands ready to make sure that you have a knowledgeable, well-seasoned Austin Traffic Lawyer by your side when you go to court. Many people end up with bad records because they do not understand that traffic violations can build upon their driving records. Without an Austin Traffic Lawyer to defend them, these violations might result in the revocation of driving privileges. In a society that is mobile in nature, it’s almost impossible to function without the ability to drive.
Your driving record is a public document that can be viewed by anybody, including future employers, and the general public. A string of traffic convictions can paint an unflattering picture of the person you are. An Austin Traffic Lawyer will work to remove those convictions or reduce them. But the better plan is to keep them off your record in the first place.
When you are ticketed, call an Austin Traffic Lawyer right away!
The minute you have an Austin traffic lawyer at your side, your rights are protected. You will have all the many benefits that are built into the law. Without the right kind of help from an Austin Traffic Lawyer, you could end up paying fines as well as spending more money on automobile insurance. An Austin Traffic Lawyer like Kelly McMahan may be able to get those fines and fees reduced or broker a deal that gives you more time to pay them. Most of all, though, she will work to keep those black marks off your public driving record altogether.
Remember, when you are issued a ticket for a driving violation, don’t try to represent yourself. Protect your driving record and your future by calling Kelly McMahan, a skilled, experienced Austin Traffic Lawyer.