Speeding Violations Explained

Texas speeding violations can be classified in many different ways. Fees vary depending on speed, environment, and other factors. We’ll explain how speeding violations are identified in Texas, and what Kelly McMahan Law can do to help. With this knowledge, you can avoid a traffic ticket entirely or get your case thrown out.

Occupational Drivers License Lawyer Austin

We’ll fight your tickets!

Prima Facie Speed Limits

Texas uses “prima facie” speed limits, which means that your speed should be reasonable for the situation. If your driving appears to be unreasonable, such as zipping through heavy traffic at 80 mph, you’re likely to get a ticket. On the other hand, due to these contextual speed limits, you might not get stopped if you and everyone else drives 80 mph down a non-congested freeway. In each case, the speed limit is more of a guideline than a hard rule. In fact, you can get a ticket even if you’re driving below the posted limit, if you were driving “unreasonably.” The officer can decide whether he or she considers your driving justified given the circumstance. This can make fighting a ticket on your own extremely difficult. From now on, try to go with the flow of traffic and slow down during inclement weather conditions. If you do get a ticket, call us.

Austin traffic violations attorney

Kelly McMahan Law will help you deal with annoying traffic tickets and other Class “C” misdemeanors.

School Zone Speed Limits

You face harsher penalties for speeding in a school zone than you would for speeding on the freeway. In a school zone, going as little as 1 mph over the limit can get you pulled over, and the fine is steep. You’ll have a hard time defending your driving habits in traffic court by yourself. You need a lawyer to help you best handle your case.

Call Us To Handle Your Traffic Ticket!

Whether you were driving 1, 10, or 20 mph over the speed limit, you should call Kelly McMahan Law. An experienced attorney can contest your ticket and you can drive on as if nothing happened. Call us at (512) 843-2889 and explain your situation, and we’ll let you know how we can help. Also, you can contact us online and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Sometimes the rules don’t make sense, but Kelly McMahan knows how to play the game. Let us fight for you in traffic court.