Why is an attorney needed for class C misdemeanors

Why is an attorney needed for class C misdemeanors

A traffic ticket in Austin is not a conviction did you know that? Protect your driving record! Attorney Kelly E. McMahan is the answer as to why is an attorney needed for class C misdemeanors. She can help with cases such as speeding tickets and other citations. You are on the road and of all people driving in Austin, it was you that got the ticket. The cost of insurance is already high, so you are trying to avoid damage to your driving record. It is Kelly McMahan Law that will keep you from higher insurance premiums.

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Attorney Drivers License Austin Cases

Past Tickets

Why is an attorney needed for class C misdemeanors? It starts with an old ticket that you forgot about and as a result, now you have an invalid driver’s license and you might not even know. There is no way you can keep a job if your driver’s license is in any way on the line.

A warrant for your arrest is in the system of every police officer across all (8) counties which means jail if you are pulled over for even a headlight out. You were pulled over for a minor detail, the officer ran your license and found a warrant and you are now in handcuffs. While the bail is not much, you still will be put in the system and wait hours just to bail out. You have a relationship with the bond company until your court date if you cannot afford to pay the full cash bail amount. 

Driving Record on the Line

Each speeding ticket or moving violation means more points on your driver’s license. With enough points on your driver’s license, your driving privilege can be taken away. The cost of insurance with each citation will go up and stay that way for five years. The only option is to pay for expensive driver’s education courses that can take up to an entire twenty-four hours to complete which again, is more time and money.

0 points – seatbelt violation or speeding fewer than 10 miles over the speed limit

2 points – moving violation conviction

3 points – moving violation conviction in an accident

Driver License Attorney Austin

Driver’s License Lawyer in Austin

It is a common misconception that a traffic ticket is final and that the officer issuing the citation is always right. The point system alone is reason enough to have representation so that you do not lose the privilege to drive whether it is for personal use or for work.

You cannot afford to risk your driving record. Find out if you are eligible to drive if you have unpaid traffic tickets even if they are old, and pay any state surcharges here. Call Kelly McMahan Law Today 512-843-2889 or visit our website

Drivers License Lawyer Austin

Traffic Violation Lawyer in Austin

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The U.S. News & Worth Report named Austin the best place to live in the U.S. in 2017

Is the sunniest metropolitan city in the nation

Famous for its bats. 1.5 million bats emerged from a bridge before sunset between March and October

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